Thursday, June 17, 2010

Santa Maria del Popolo

altar/putti detail/transept/hehehe/statuary/putti chandelier/Carracci's Assumption of the Virgin

One of the famous churches in Rome. Home to two Caravaggio paintings (naturally the area they were in was under construction or something) and this Carracci (wasn't reaaally supposed to take a photo of it, oops). It was pretty Romanesque, nothing like the Gothic-style church from several posts back. There were some Baroque touches (obviously, its pretty much the only stuff I took photos of) but, for example, the ceilings were mostly bare and the colors were much more muted. I think that the Vatican will be pretty intense, though, so that will make up for it.

A domani.


Laurent said...

It's soothing to see these ornate scenes.
(Your 'Hehehe' caption is on the dot :) )

Kt D said...

Especially because I love memento mori and I've already posted like ten of them on this blog. It's my evil laugh for sticking them in, like, every post.