Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Piazza del Popolo

piazza and obelisk in the rain/east fountain (Rome between the Tiber and the Aniene)/lion from the Fontana dell'Obelisco/Fontana del Nettuno/Bernini fish/Ceres or somebody/piazza as seen from the Villa Borghese

Sooo I'm like ten posts behind so I'm doing a bunch now. I went to the Villa Borghese the other day and stopped to take some photos here at the Piazza del Popolo as well as the church nearby (to be seen in probably the next post). It was raining, obviously. It was kind of ironic; as it was raining, the Fontana del Nettuno was not running. Typical. I really like this piazza as it has kind of an odd sort of history, kind of random how the streets came about, and actually there are three streets that split from it to form sort of a trident, if you will. I have some photos of the piazza from a sunny day but I kind of like the rainy ones. They seem fitting. Next....

ETA: Okay, decided I was exhausted. Tomorrow, posts on Santa Maria del Popolo, Villa Borghese, Firenze, Uffizi, and The Most Awesome slash Hilarious Painting Ever.

1 comment:

Laurent said...

The entertwine tails of the two Bernini fish are like arms spiralling around each other. Very nice effect.
The lion fountain has an interesting feel to it.

Yeaah, I got my daily dose of italian scenery!