Friday, June 11, 2010

Italian Time

knotted chain/garbage can graffiti/xs lovers/mangled fence

Urban shots taken during an "italian time" waiting-for-the-bus moment. Well, not quite a moment. More like an hour. The meaning of "italian time" has extended beyond "things taking longer than usual" to include things that simply would not happen elsewhere. Examples:

- receiving an ATM receipt with nothing printed on it
- the entrance to a museum being unoccupied by any worker, thus having to enter at the exit
- watching someone park half in a spot and half in the pedestrian crosswalk and decide its a completely legitimate parking space
- waiting an hour for a bus to come in one direction while nine or ten pass going the other direction (or turn on a different street right before your stop)
- cooking directions printed on food in about half or three-quarters of their entirety
- a metro ticket machine accepting ten 10-euro cent coins, processing it, and then deciding it would like to be broken

How to use "italian time" in a sentence:
Regarding the ATM receipt: "The printer must be on italian time."
Regarding the pedestrian-parking spot: "That is so italian time."
Regarding the metro ticket machine: "Oh. Italian time."

Its quite hilarious (especially when Anna says it with her cute Swedish accent). In fact, it has become my favorite saying of the trip.

The only thing that is actually on time in Italy are the football games.

[additional comments and experience courtesy of Anna P, LJS, and of course, Italy]


Laurent said...

Your observations on the Italian way of life are in line with what I have heard before. As long as soccer works, it sounds like Italy can take in anything else.

It's pretty cool that the shadow of the knot is either not visible or faintly seen far away from the actual knot at the periphery of the picture.

Tomorrow, I'll step out of home with my little Sony DSC-T7. I'll be on the lookout for any worthy shot. Your blog makes me want to live again the enjoyment that I had when taking photographs.

Kt D said...

that might have been the best comment ever read. Kind of teared up a bit haha.

The shadow of the knot is actually at the very bottom of the photograph :)

Laurent said...

That's right! I got distracted by the bigger shadow at the top :)