Saturday, June 12, 2010

Crypta Balbi

pottery shards and me/glass/random things/comb/rings/chair

Short post tonight. Went out in Trastevere and the walk home alone was enough to exhaust a person (its not far... just soooo many people. And cobblestones in five-inch crazy wedges.)

Went a couple of places today, the easiest to choose and post being the Crypta Balbi. These photos were from the museum; I got some of the crypt itself but it didn't make for very interesting photos. I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally want to go to the Capuchin Crypt... its basically made of the bones of monks. Human bones on display. How creepy and amazing is that? But I don't think you can take photos there, which kind of makes me want to cry...

Anyway. Tomorrow will post some more famous and visually appealing stuff from the Museo Nazionale Romano... like Augustus Pontifex Maxiumus and that hermaphrodite sculpture that they sell photos of all over the city. Till then.

1 comment:

Laurent said...

I especially like the first pic. Nice way to make glass reflexion of you part of the pic.
There was a few interesting shots on my way through the bus and at the mall. There maybe a few pics worth to post.